The Thrift Store was created to help fund the charitable programs of the Foundation for Educational Development and Save a Life programs and the homeless in the communities.
In addition MEDCTS volunteers rely heavily on the store to assist with the provision of clothing and personal products to the needy families. Your in-kind donations of clothing, books and supplies can be used to assist a working poor family and those living in communities and have no family, help support the vital programs and services run by the Foundation for Educational Development, Inc.
For more information or the free pick-up of your donation...Please call:
Cash gifts also may be designated to one or more specific programs or funds according to the wishes of the donor. When you do not restrict the use of your gift, the Foundation gains flexibility, not otherwise available, allowing it to meet changing or urgent needs. Contributions that are not restricted for a specific purpose are always welcomed and will be applied wherever the need is greatest.
List of Items needed for the different programs